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Scouts, you have two opportunities this summer! Summer Camp and High Adventure!


1. Summer Camp at Owasippe

June 22-28 for $470/Scout and $240/Adult. Spend a week at camp, earn merit badges, and have fun with camp wide activities. To note: As of 2/17/25, the 2025 Merit Badge Schedule has not been published.

Link to Summer Camp Information and Photos

2. Our very own High Adventure in the Upper Peninsula, MI 

July 20-26. Trip will include some combination of hiking, mountain biking, sea kayaking, and/or sailing. Backpacking or bikepacking overnight excursions are possible. Exact itinerary TBD. Estimated cost $750. Trip is open to all ages.
Sign-ups are available now through March 15. $50 deposit is due with sign-up. The balance is due May 1.

Health Forms (Required)

BSA Health Forms will be required of all Scouts and adult campers for the coming year. If you are participating in either adventure, we will also need Part C that requires a doctor’s signature. Instructions also require copies of your insurance card. Health forms will be due June 1. We need 3 copies of medical forms; 4 copies if attending Summer Camp and UP High Adventure. Medical forms can be found here: 680-001_AB.pdf

We also need enough adult participants to make both trips feasible. Adult participants need to complete YPT and be registered with the Troop. The State of Michigan requires additional paperwork prior to camp. 

Campership (scholarships)

Campership (scholarships) are available through Pathway to Adventure Council for summer camp at Owasippe. The application can be found here 2025 Campership Application, Pathway to Adventure Council (Page 1 of 3).

Dates to Remember

March 15 – Final date to sign-up for Summer Camp or UP High Adventure with $50 deposit
April 15—Campership applications are due
May 1—Camp/trip balance is due
June 1—Health forms with appropriate number of copies are due

Camp Wolverine, Looking North